Thursday, January 07, 2021

More Saving and Stocking Up

 I got on out to Kroger and shopped the deals I wanted before some yucky weather sets in today/tomorrow. Probably just rain/cold for us....but I've lived through enough "oops" forecasts that I wouldn't be surprised to wake up to a full-fledged blizzard or ice storm. As I always say, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst".
But even if it is just rain/cold, those are good days to stay in and be warm and dry and snug as bug in a rug at home, not out in the misery trying to save a buck.

Since I keep pretty well stocked up, I didn't *need* any of this right now. And these sales come around and around, so it wouldn't have been worth going out in bad weather for.
But I will need/use this stuff eventually, and nothing was going on this morning, the weather is overcast but dry, chilly but not frigid, so it was a good use of the time to go on and buy the things while I can get them for a lot less than having to pay full price if I end up needing something when it's not on sale.

Also, Lady-bird-pup-dog enjoyed the ride in the car.

So, what I got:

Jif PB is on sale for $1.49 as part of the "Buy 5, get $1.00 off" Mega sale. You don't have to buy 5 of the same item, just groups of 5 items included in the entire Mega sale.
I had loaded a digital coupon to my Kroger card for .75 off, so I only paid 74cents.
Great price for Jif, or PB in general. 

The Tampico juices were .49 Mega sale price, no coupons needed. 

Some Quaker and General Mills cereals were on sale for $1.79 Mega sale price. That's a great price for cereal considering normally they run upwards of $3, $4 a box.  If you have a coupon, even better.
I had a digital coupon for $1.00/2 boxes of Big G (General Mills), and a printable* coupon for .75 off Quaker, so I saved $1.75, or basically got one of the boxes for 4cents.
(*Be aware, not all stores accept printable coupons.) 

The butter was my main objective. Real butter is pretty expensive, $2.50 a box at WM, and up. Aldi sometimes has it for $1.79, but I don't like the taste of Aldi butter at all, so I generally stock up when it's on sale for $1.99 at Kroger.
Today I got it for $1.77 with digital coupon.
The butter wasn't part of the Mega sale, but the digital coupon was able to be used up to 5 times. 

(I know, it's a lot of rules and things to figure out and keep straight, but I consider like a board game, a challenge. If my totals add up in the end, I win the game!) 

Carefree, Stayfree, Kotex and possibly other items I didn't pay attention to were $1.99 Mega sale price. I had a digital coupon, and also a printable coupon for $3.00/2 Kotex by U products, so I paid 49cents per box. !!!
I just nearly bought a box or two of these at WM yesterday to put in my stash closet, but they didn't have any Super size ones and they're the ones we needed. We have plenty of the Regular size ones.
    Even if I didn't have the coupons, $1.99 a box is great price for these as they're usually $3.00-plus a box.

The Carefree Breathe pad/liners also had a $1.50/1 digital coupon (and a printable coupon, although I only used the digital coupon this time) so they were also 49cents. We don't normally use these, but pads are always a good thing to keep in your stock pile for "you never know when you might need these" reasons. 

At .49, these kinds of things are especially good for buying to donate to church pantrys and/or women's shelters. Even at the $1.99 price it would be a good thing to buy to donate if you want to do some useful donating.
    You could just donate money...not trying to be judgy but...I find that when you give anyone money, be it an individual or organization, they don't always make the best use of it, don't try to get more for the money. They'll buy brand name, or not bother to shop a sale, or use a coupon. You could donate like a third* more product buying these at $1.99 then you'd end up giving them if you handed them $20 and let them buy it. (*Don't check my Math, I'm not really good at it, lol). 

Suave Body wash is .99 Mega sale price, I used a .75 digital coupon making it 24cents.
Tresemme Shampoo is $2.99 Mega sale price, and I used a $2.00 digital coupon making it 99cents.
    These are the kind of things I buy a little at a time, here and there, when the price is good, to stick into my stock pile. So when the next unforeseen event happens - weather, illness, unrest, etc - then I'm not having to worry about getting stuff I need. Like toilet paper.

Speaking of which, they had boxes of this cheap toilet paper for .69 a pkg. WM has a cheap 4-roll for .60 so it's a little cheaper, but I was here, and this was cheap enough to get a couple to put in the stock pile. 

Kleenex are on sale 4/$5, or $1.25 each. Includes from 65ct up to 144ct sizes. Depending on what you like/need, we're not extremely choosy so of course I got the most for the money, 144ct.
I only got these because I had a $1.00/4 digital coupon, which made there $1.00 a box, which is what I pay for tissues at Dollar Tree.
    We do use a lot of kleenex, all of us suffers allergies and sinus issues, so I pick up anywhere from 1 to 5 boxes at a time any time I go into DT whether I need them at the time or not, because I know I will need them eventually, and I want to make sure I have enough to tide us over for awhile in event of "supply interruptions". 

The cookies were mark-down priced for $1.00, and hot chocolate is a favorite around here, so they're a treat. 

My total savings was $45.11, or 61% of what it would cost paying regular price/not using coupons. 

Also, I saw on the register I could be saving 5% with a Kroger credit card. It more said something to the effect of ..."you could save on certain products net..." I can't remember, but it sounded like there might be a catch, so I'm off to check it out and see if it'd be worth getting it.

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