Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Work at Home Day

J was off today, and the grass - amazingly - didn't need mowing....well, technically it could use mowing, but since gas prices have gone up so ridiculously, we've been letting it get a little longer than usual before cutting it.
And R had a class this morning so wasn't home to help J with roofing the outdoor shed we're (they're) building. So he helped me with a project I'd been trying to get back to for awhile. The thing with me is, I'll get an idea for something, get started, then lose interest in it for awhile.
This project I started probably two years ago, maybe longer.

I have this fleece blanket with a really big Maltese cross symbol on it. One day I thought, I think I could trace that and make a big Maltese cross wall hanging or something.

I used pink tissue paper to do the tracing: tissue paper because it was mostly see-through; pink because it's what I had.

In some of our *Quest for Free*stuff, J had been given a bunch of sign making materials. This stuff is called waffle-board, he said, and is like plastic-corrugated-cardboard. I thought it would be good for transferring the patterns onto; sturdy, and easy to cut.
It didn't absorb the Sharpie very well and the lines and my hands ended up a mess. It also wasn't that easy to cut. I'd recommend using cardboard instead.

After I sliced off the tip of my finger, J said he thought it'd be better to cut the insignia with the scroll saw using wood instead.

Eh, they're kind of funky looking, but handmade with love stuff don't have to look perfect anyway, right.
We didn't cut out the letters "F I R E" or "R E S C U E" for the top and bottom panels; I'll either do it later, or maybe buy some already made from Hobby Lobby, or just paint them on.

After R got home, they worked on putting some more tin on the building roof. Still didn't get done; ran out of screws this time. It's always something.

I: worked on Maltese Cross project with J, unloaded the dishwasher, did dishes, washed/dried/folded/put away a load of whites, put the rest of my Pez collection out in the storage room, added some dirt to my Aloe plant and the rose bushes I'm trying to root, and watered the roses, blueberry bushes, and garden.

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