Sunday, April 22, 2018

Another Addition to the Farm Coop

Two of the possibly-ruined eggs were due to hatch today, and at least one of them did.
        The darker green "olive" colored egg laid by "Baby" or "#13"

"#13"Baby", Egg-mom of new chick.

 I went in to check on Buff and the eggs, and this little yellow chick was there. I knew right away it was Baby's chick, even before checking the eggs. Baby was also born yellow.

It was pretty funny when I first saw it, I was like Whoa, at it's size.
       At hatch it's already bigger than it's 8 days older half-sibling.  Which is normal since the darker chick is a Bantam, and will grow up to only be about half the size of the larger breed chickens.

 I just hadn't actually seen regular chicks and Banty chicks side-by-side like that before to have realized there was such a size difference.

I specifically hatched Baby's eggs because she has the Ameraucana trait of the fluffy cheeks and beard, and the Rooster has the dark/slate colored legs, wondering if I could pull the traits together in a chick, but this chick appears to have inherited neither it's mother's fluffy cheeks and beard, nor the father's dark/slate legs.

Looking at the comb, I'm going to make a guess it's a female, and will lay green or blue eggs.

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